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My Book Of The Month – Your First Dollar

Now I fully realise that it is pretty strange for a kitesurf and performance blog to be recommending a book on internet marketing to it’s readers…



The single biggest challenge that I get told about time and time again, is that you guys simply struggle to find enough time to get out on the water. As a business owner this is something I can sympathise with massively and indeed for the last 10 years, it’s been one of my biggest challenges. Despite running a kitesurfing company in Tarifa, I could just never find time to get on the water myself.

This book was the first step in changing that.

There are 2 things in this book that I find revolutionary and when combined they have proved to become one of the keystones of my life and organising my time effectively so I have the time to get out on the water.

The first if these is the Kolbe profile…basically we all have a different style of working. Some us are really good at taking action but usually not so good at actually seeing it through. Some of us love to work within a system, some of us will try to break this system, some of us see the big picture some of us prefer to focus on the minutia.

Once you understand how you work and where your strengths and weaknesses lie (and that your weaknesses will remain with you for the whole of your life so better get used to them) you can immediately start to structure your work to play to your strengths.

This has taken me from believing I was some kind of freak who just couldn’t do the things that other people found easy…in my case planning, following though or actually thinking about something before rushing in where angels fear to tread, to understanding that these things (that the world held up as flaws) were actually superpowers and when harnessed properly could be my keys to the kingdom…

My world shifted.

Kolbe is powerful enough on its own…but when combined with the intense focus and clarity provided by the second major principle in this book, that of Kanban, things really start getting interesting. Kanban is an incredibly simple system, based on a huge amount of very complicated science…but in it’s simplest form think of it as a redesign of the to do list…one that actually works!

By combining Kanban with Kolbe I was able to free up time that I never knew I had, overwhelm disappeared and life became a lot more simple.

And these 2 things only form the introduction to the book…!

The best thing about this book?

It’s FREE!

You can get a copy here:

Here’s to more time on the water!