In this podcast we take a look at twin tip kitesurf boards.
Understanding how your board works means that you can get the absolute most out of it and you can tweak the setup to be perfect for any conditions. So you can ride easier, better and with higher performance without having to spend loads of money on new shiny kit…
though of course…
When you do buy that new kit you’ll also know exactly what it is you’re looking for and so ensure that you buy the right board for you…first time.
In this episode we cover:
- How to tell instantly by looking at any board exactly what it is designed for
- Unwrapping the mystery of Flex
- Riding Footballs
- Snowboarding on surf boards
As always we’ve made an accompanying video to explain the bits that I’m not descriptive enough to do via audio!
Watch it here:
Or check it out on You Tube here: https://youtu.be/HzpViLdWqYk
If you’re looking to improve any aspect of your kitesurfing why not have a look at our courses and camps designed specifically to get you up and riding faster.
Or if you’ve got any questions on today’s podcast send me an email and I’ll get back to you ASAP by clicking here.
Enjoy the episode.