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[TRUE STORY] – The Guy Just Hung Up On Me

Check Out The NTX Weight Loss Program

The guy just hung up…

At first I was pretty shocked, my first response was to be angry. After all, no one likes being hung up on.

Then I started to think about it and realised it was a shame that he’d reacted like that.

I really could have helped him and now would never get the chance.

You see, I was on a call with a guy yesterday who wanted to lose 45 kilos and had tried everything, but just couldn’t shift the weight and keep it off.

I was really excited as these are the people who I love getting results for at it literally changes their life.

Everything was going great until he asked me what diet I follow.

I told him I follow my own diet but that it includes meat.

He lost it. He told me he was vegan and so how could I possibly help him.

He asked me if I’d ever been vegan. I told him “No.” 

He rolled his eyes and said, “So how the hell are you going to help me? You eat meat, you’ve never been vegan!”

This was the moment he hung up.

Now he was absolutely right, as I said, I’ve never been vegan and have no intention of ever being vegan…but it doesn’t mean I don’t know how to help vegans lose weight.

You see, weight loss is independent of which particular diet you’re following.

The underlying principles of weight loss apply across all diets…

So I don’t care if your Vegan or full blown Carnivore, Keto, Paleo, Atkins, Weight Watchers or anything in-between…it really makes no difference to me (it doesn’t mean I don’t understand each of those diets in detail…I do)

But by following the plan in our NTX Weight Loss Program you can be on any diet you want and still lose weight.

Check Out The NTX Weight Loss Program

I’d love to show you how you can lose 20+ kilos in the next 6 weeks and keep it off without ever counting calories, going hungry or spending hours in the gym.

See you on the water,


Owner of Tantrum & Creator of The NTX System

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Why Dave Gave Up & Sold His Kites

Check Out The NTX Weight Loss Program

Dave’s been a kitesurfer for 12 years, last week he gave up and sold his kites…

When he first started he dreamed of being a lean, ripped kiter (like the ones he’d seen at the beach) kiting was his motivation and his inspiration to lose the weight he was carrying, to eat healthy, to get in shape. Now he could kite it meant he wouldn’t have to pack himself into a gym anymore. He could combine being outside doing something he loved, with getting fit and losing weight.

Only it didn’t quite work out like that.

He could never seem to build up a routine or be consistent enough in his efforts to really shift the weight and get in shape. Oftentimes work simply meant he didn’t have the time to build a routine or life simply got in the way. Many times when he did manage to get in good habits for a few weeks something would happen outside of his control which would mean he’d have to ditch all the good habits, as he had to sort out the crisis happening in his life.

He woke up most mornings, looked in the mirror and wasn’t really happy with what he saw, and worse he was starting to notice the effects when he went kiting. Because of his lack of physical fitness and the growing spare tyre he was carrying about his midriff, he was losing stamina and confidence on the water.

He knew he should do something about it, but just couldn’t seem to get motivated to actually start.

One day after a particularly terrible session on the water he decided enough was enough. He was going to shift the weight and get in shape for good. After all he was a success in a lot of other areas in life, why was this so hard for him?

He booked a kiting holiday to act as motivation, giving himself a target to get in shape for.

And he dug in, he gave up the booze, he watched what he ate, he started jogging. And he started losing weight, SLOWLY, but hey it was better than nothing. But it was hard work, he had to give up a lot of things he loved and constantly wondered “do I have to live like this forever?”

He was determined to crack this however so he kept it up.

As he started to lose a few kilos and feel a bit better about himself, the motivation he had to lose the weight started to disappear and he started having a few treats he knew he shouldn’t be having, a few more beers at dinner time, he skipped more and more workouts. Before he knew it, all his good habits had disappeared and he was back to where he started.  

The kiting holiday was coming up and despite being in pretty bad shape he went, thinking he’d take it easy and maybe it would be the kick start he needed.

On day 3 after having had 2 great days on the water he felt something tweak. He always knew that having a gut was putting pressure on his back and the added forces applied by kitesurfing just proved too much. He spent the rest of the holiday barely able to move, let alone get out onto the water. Over the next few weeks of recovery, as a result of comfort eating and not moving much, he piled the pounds on. 

After following this exhausting cycle of boom and bust for 15 years Dave finally decided he was just getting old and had to accept it, he sold his kites.

Dave is not alone in this. For many this constant cycle into and out of form gets so tiresome. They simply can’t see a way to balance their lifestyle with staying lean and in shape, it seems a constant choice between one or the other. Their weight starts to effect their ability and confidence on the water. They begin to identify themselves as being an inactive person, not the dynamic, lean kitesurfer they had dreamed of being, and despite being pretty pissed off, they can’t seem to do anything about it.

Don’t let your story be like Dave’s…

I’ve put together a FREE Case Study where I show you:

Why You Can LOSE WEIGHT But Can NEVER *Keep It Off* And How To Break The Cycle…

(Even if you’ve *tried* EVERYTHING!).

You can grab it by clicking the button below.

Check Out The NTX Weight Loss Program

(Did I mention it’s FREE! ?)

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Why Some Kitesurfers Can’t Lose Weight And Keep It Off

Save Your Seat For The Free Live Masterclass

There are 3 MAJOR forces at play when it comes to your inability to lose weight or keep it off, I’m going to talk about 2 of them today…the 2 which I call the external influencers.

You see, there are 2 major industries that are heavily invested in the fact that you fail. Now before I start this isn’t a big conspiracy theory, I don’t believe these companies are necessarily evil. I believe that market forces have led us to this position and it’s simply a result of supply and demand.

That said, what are these 2 industries?

  • The Food Industry
  • The Pharmaceutical Industry

What’s the biggest problem the food industry has?

That your appetite is finite.

So they try to make food as nutritional empty as possible so it never fills you up whilst being as addictive as possible so you never stop eating it. The slogan “Once you pop you can’t stop” is literally true.

Now many people don’t realise this but there is a HUGE amount of research which goes in to creating the food we eat. Most food these days is actually designed in a lab. Labs where scientists wire people up, stick a load of electrodes to their skull and then feed them their latest delicacy. What they are looking for is a response in the brain as similar to that produced by heroin as possible.


Because heroin is one of the most addictive substances on the planet and they know if they can get close to that they’re on to a winner

What to know something chilling…

They beat Heroin years ago.

In a study done by Connecticut College they gave rats the choice of 2 food types, one was Morphine (which is what heroin becomes straight after injection) the other Oreos. The rats favoured the Oreos…every time!

And we are advertising this stuff to our children….

The problem with all this scientifically designed, nutrient empty food part from the fact you can’t stop eating it?

It’s really bad for you.

To make it as addictive as possible it’s often been manipulated by scientists to the point where it’s really not recognisable as food, (at least not for humans…perhaps for robots) and it does a lot of damage to your biology as you eat it. So over time, it makes you really ill.

Ah ha, but don’t worry” say the Pharmaceutical companies at this point, “we’ve got just the thing for you…you just need to take this (hugely expensive) pill for the rest of your life.”

Which while it may cure your immediate problem leads to a whole host of other problems down the line.

When you consider the advertising budgets and the lobbying power these 2 industries have, you can see why you’re up against it before you even start.

On the free, live masterclass on Thursday, I’ll be diving deep into the 3rd major force at play, which is stopping you from losing weight and keeping it off, this is the BIG one and no one is talking about it. I’ll also be showing you how you can lose 20+ kilos in the next 6 weeks and keep it off, without ever counting calories, going hungry or spending hours at the gym (and still have enough energy to kitesurf!)

Save Your Seat For The Free Live Masterclass

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The heartbreaking truth about your next kitesurfing holiday.

Picture the scene…

You rock up on your next kitesurf holiday, the forecast is perfect, the sun is shining, the wind is blowing and the water looks perfect.

You quickly unpack your kit, set up your kite, squeeze into your wetsuit and hit the water for 6 hours straight. You’re trying loads of new tricks and you even land a few!

What a buzz! One of the greatest days of your life and you’ve got an entire week of this.

The next day you wake up a little stiff but the wind’s blowing again, so you wolf down some breakfast, rig up and again spend the entire day kiting. After a few hours you notice you’re not really able to “bring it” like you were yesterday and you start making silly mistakes, tripping over little waves and despite having a great day you’re a little frustrated you didn’t progress as fast as you’d hoped…no problem you’ve still got 5 days left.

You have a few beers to celebrate and hit the sack looking forward to another amazing day tomorrow.

You wake up and immediately know something is wrong. You have no energy, your entire body aches, you feel a bit grumpy. You roll over and try to get some more sleep but you hear the wind banging at the window, calling you. Suddenly the thought of an entire day of kiting doesn’t appeal so much, you’re tired, maybe you’ll just take it easy…but it’s windy and this is what you’re here for.

You drag yourself out of bed moving much slower now. You eat your breakfast actually wondering if you’ve got the energy to really do this today. But you tell yourself you have to, you’ve paid a lot of money to be here.

You do go kiting that day but only manage a few hours and actually spend most of the day stood on the beach chatting and watching everyone else shredding it on the water. Those few hours you do have are great but you don’t really have the energy to try anything new so you just mow the lawn and don’t really progress.

This sets the tone for the rest of the week.

As you pack up to leave on the last day, you know you’ve had a great week but reflect on how much better it could have been if you’d just been a bit more physically prepared, if you’d just been a bit fitter you could have spent the entire week ripping it up like you were on day 1.

Next time, you promise yourself, you’ll make sure you’re ready before you come on holiday.

Don’t let this be you!

Right now I’m offering you the opportunity to grab our 7 Day Kitesurf Specific Workout for FREE. So you can have more stamina for kitesurfing and stay on the water longer and kitesurf day after day when the wind’s blowing, without needing a day off.

This is THE perfect program to ensure you never get caught short on a kitesurfing holiday again. It can all be done from the comfort of your own home, it’s literally been designed from the ground up so you don’t need a gym.

Now I’ve been a Kitesurf Instructor for the last 14 years and a Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Peak Performance Coach since I left the Royal Marines in 2002 so I know EXACTLY what you need to be doing off the water to improve your performance ON the water and I’ve put it all together in this 7 day program which I’m offering you now for FREE.

The link to the workout is here >>

Go and check it out and I’ll speak to you soon!

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How The Flow State Can INSTANTLY Improve Your Kitesurfing

Ever experienced the feeling on the water where you can do no wrong, where every action you take is perfect, where time slows down or speeds up and you’re totally in the moment undistracted by what’s going on around you or by the voice in your head?

If you answered yes you’ve experienced The Flow State.

The Flow State is the ultimate human performance state, it’s often referred to in layman’s terms as “the Zone.” It’s that time when you perform perfectly. Where everything is effortless, time dilates and you are often left with a huge buzz and a sense of well being.

Repeated entry into The Flow State is associated with higher levels of happiness, longer lifespans, higher levels of wealth and more career success.

It’s also been calculated that you perform up to 350% better when you are in a flow state.

No wonder companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft are spending millions on projects to implement more of it the workplace. No wonder professional athletes including kitesurfers are on a quest to get more flow into their performance, imagine how good a kitesurfer you’d be if you could perform 350% better every session! 

But how do we, who don’t have the budget of these mega corporations get more Flow in our lives and into our kitesurfing?

Well, the first step is to understand how it works.

Before we get anywhere near the flow state we have to go through a series of steps, the first is…

The  Struggle Phase.

The is, as the name would suggest, the unpleasant (but absolutely necessary) part. It’s also where we’ll spend most of our time. We research, we experiment, we fail…over and over again, but each time we fail a little less. This is the time we’re practicing that new trick and wiping out every time, when we’re desperately trying to work out how the hell to master the waterstart, when we’re pissed off and disillusioned and tempted just to sack it all off and go to the pub.

During this stage cortisol levels rise and our brain is emitting beta waves, the type of waves often related to problem solving. It’s frustrating, stressful and is the very reason most of us don’t really have much experience of Flow, because we give up long before we get there.

Those who don’t give up come up against another problem. 

You see we have been conditioned since a very early age to believe old sayings such as “try, try and try again” or “if you work hard enough you can achieve anything.” And so we do, we struggle harder and harder, getting more and more frustrated, more and more stressed.

We literally try to bludgeon our way into a flow state, reasoning if we just keep banging our head against that brick wall long enough we’ll break through…


This doesn’t work.


Because Flow is an intensely focused but intensely RELAXED state. The key here is the word “relaxed.” With all that frustration and stress generated through the struggle phase there is NO WAY you’re relaxed. You have to calm down, release, clear out that cortisol and breath.

Our mothers were all flow hacking experts… when you got frustrated doing some task or because you couldn’t do something well, what did she say?

“Do something else for a while, take your mind off it”

And what inevitably happens when you do…

You come back and perform 10 times better often wondering what all the fuss was about.

As another example, when do all the best ideas hit you?

When you day dreaming (or singing) in the shower! (And you’re no where near a pen to write down the life changing idea you’ve just had!)

Why the hell is this?

Because the second stage of the flow cycle is…

The Release Phase.

We have to shift from the beta brain wave, cortisol fight or flight response of the struggle phase to the alpha brain wave dominated, relaxed release phase. Doing this triggers a whole host of chemical changes within the body, clearing out the cortisol and putting you in that day dreaming, meditative state.

Expert thinkers have been aware of this for years. Einstein used to spend 20mins a day on his back in a rowing boat just staring up at the clouds day dreaming. Edison used to sit in a chair with a cricket ball in his hand and fall asleep, just as he started to drift off his hand relaxed, dropped the ball and boom he was hit with an idea.

If you’re learning to kitesurf, the walk back up the beach to start your next run is a great time to release and a good instructor will be using this time to try to relax you.. If you’re on your own sing a song, think of baby dolphins, plaster an idiot grin on your face anything to shift the body towards this desired state.

In the release phase the body and mind relax so we are prepared to enter the flow state.

It’s only then the magic can happen…

When it does you enter…

The Flow State

The body dumps norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, anandamide, and endorphins into the blood stream so we enter a totally altered state. All of these are performance enhancing, feel good neurochemicals which make you faster, stronger, and quicker – both physically and mentally – and make you feel really damn good while doing it.

They enable the brain to make new connections at lightening speed and perform at it’s absolute highest potential, time speeds up or slows down and every action seems effortless, perfect, godlike.

It’s literally the most addictive high on the planet.

All those weed smoking, drug taking extreme sports athletes, they’re not drug addicts, they’re flow addicts. As the chemicals in these drugs go part way to simulating the intense high these individuals feel smacking the lip of a 20m wave or dropping down a perfect, powdered slope.

Flow can show up almost anywhere in life and it’s not a binary state. So you may have a mind bending, universe twisting flow experience or you may not really notice it. But some simple examples are the first time you stand up and ride on a kitesurf board, when you’re riding and all sense of time, even of self, vanish, so intent are you on your riding.

Extreme sports and especially kitesurfing are hardwired to induce Flow they are literally the most flow inducing activities we can pursue, but it can show up in almost anything, hell for some people it might show up washing the dishes!

In the flow state you’ll perform up to 350% better than normal, what’s more because your brain makes new connections at an incredible rate, you learn a LOT faster. For all us nerds it’s like levelling up your character in a Role playing Game. You are now just intrinsically better and cannot go back to what you were!

The issue here is that the flow state is highly addictive, so we just want more and more. But it’s also hugely draining on our biology. It uses up a lot of resources so most of us can’t stay there for very long. This is one of the reason for the “one last go” syndrome in kiting…we just want one more go, but because we no longer have the energy to maintain a flow state this is where we get injured.

So the final stage of the flow cycle is:

The Recovery Phase 

It’s probably the most important phase and the one over which we have the most control, but also the one we ignore the most!

How do we recover effectively? 

By eating right, sleeping well, supporting our bodies in every way we can so it can prepare us to re enter The Flow State the next time we hit we water.

See you on the water,


P.S.Whenever you’re ready… here’s a few ways I can help you improve your kitesurfing:

1. MASSIVELY Improve Your Kitesurfing When You’re OFF The Water
Kitesurf More Often, Stay Out Longer, Progress Faster & Have More Energy On The Water – Click Here

2. Ride Upwind in 30 Days
Knock weeks (if not months) off your time learning to ride upwind and save hundreds on your lesson costs — Click Here

3. Learn to Kitesurf 3 x Faster
With Unlimited Hours Kitesurfing Lessons in the most consistently windy spot on the planet – Click Here

4. The Quest To Become A Kick Ass Kiter
Follow my 1 year journey to become a kick ass kiter in our Facebook Group (It’s FREE!) – Click Here