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The Worst Kitesurfing Holiday Of My Life

“Absolutely awful experience, I want my money back.”

My eyes widened in surprise, my jaw dropped almost to the floor.

And this after a week of kitesurfing where we had been at the beach for between 6 and 9 hours a day, every day. In my mind it had been as good a week as you could possibly expect to have and I was certain everyone would have loved it.

I chatted with some of the instructors and all of them told me the same story.

Yes the wind had been amazing, yes, everyone had progressed a tonne, except for this person (who shall remain nameless, lets. call them X).

Why? I asked.

Because they’d spent most of the time in the bar!

WHAT? I said…

Yeah, they continued, for the first 2 days X was loving it, was out every minute, flying up and down and improving rapidly, then day 3 came and they had to wake X up to get them to the beach.

When they got there X had to go and have some breakfast and a few coffees and then came back and set up the kite very slowly, and finally got on the water about 4 hours after arriving at the beach. After about 30 mins X came back off the water, had a sleep and then went and had a few beers.

This set the tone for the entire week.

This very incident forced me to make a change in the way we operated. You see I was actually quite sympathetic to X’s plight. I realised that due to the fact that we could be at the beach kitesurfing for up to 8 hours a day, many people just weren’t in good enough physical shape to actually last for an entire week.

They’d love it for the first few days and then it would all catch up them and they’d end up treading water for the rest of the week, not improving and not really enjoying it, which wasn’t what they or I wanted.

So we started preparing people before they came. I would work with them personally to build a program they could do which would get them in great shape, burn through those extra kilos and ultimately give them a LOT more energy and stamina when they actually get on holiday with us so they could kitesurf at 100% for the entire week.

I’ve taken that program, refined it, perfected it and right now you can get it for FREE, just click the button below to download it…



Owner of Tantrum & Creator of The NTX System

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The Friday Lowdown – 13th March 2020

What’s The Best Cross Training For Kitesurfers?

When I first started training people to get fit for kitesurfing, I was all about slow movements and big weights.

It took me a few years to realise that to train for a sport as nuanced as kitesurfing isn’t just a case of going and throwing weights around in a gym or smashing out a few classes of Crossfit.

To efficiently train we must do it at the speed of the sport we are training for, using optimal weight for that sport.

At about the time I realised this I also discovered resistance bands. Portable, much less likely to cause injury, able to be utilised in any direction (not just against gravity) and providing equal resistance throughout the entire range of motion of the exercise (meaning you get MUCH more bang for your buck).

They also allow us to train with the speed and explosiveness we need for kitesurfing and you don’t need to be stuffed in a gym to use them, they’re also cheap as chips! ?

All this makes resistance bands THE perfect tool for training kitesurfers when they’re OFF the water.

And they’ve quickly become my #1 favourite tool for getting people into shape to kitesurf quickly.

I’ve put together an entire kitesurf specific, resistance band workout for you here in this video so you can get fit for kitesurfing with our resistance band workout and exercises. Designed by kitesurfers for kitesurfers.

Here’s a round up of everything you might have missed this week, including the resistance band workout:

How To Learn To Kitesurf 3 x Faster

One of the questions I get asked all the time by people just starting their journey into kitesurfing is, “What’s the fastest way to learn to kitesurf?”

In this second part of a series of videos I start to answer this question giving you some great tips for how to get up and riding in less time with less frustration.

Click here to watch the video.

The Quest To Become A Kick Ass Kitesurfer – #3

Following my quest to become a kick ass kiter…

Genetic testing has opened up whole new worlds to those of us in pursuit of optimal human performance (or just those who want to be better kiters!). For the first time ever we can understand our underlying genetic predispositions and design our nutrition, our exercise, our lifestyle around them and thus radically upgrade our performance nearly over night…

In this video, using me and my results as an example, I show you how I’m going to be using it over the next year to massively improve my kitesurfing and how you can too.

Click here to watch the video.

Kitesurf Specific Resistance Band Workout

No gym or expensive equipment required and build specifically for kitesurfers.

This one’s a doozy!

Click here to watch the video.

Have a great windy weekend!



P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here’s a few ways I can help you improve your kitesurfing:

1. FREE Kitesurf Specific 4 Week Workout?
Most people don’t realise it but the way they are currently working out is probably ruining their kitesurfing. Workout for kiting the right way – Click Here

2. Ride Upwind in 30 Days
Knock weeks (if not months) off your time learning to ride upwind and save hundreds on your lesson costs — Click Here

3. MASSIVELY Improve Your Kiting When You’re OFF The Water
Get our kitesurfing case study “How to Kitesurf More Often, Stay Out Longer, Progress Faster & Have More Energy On The Water”Click Here

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How To Learn To Kitesurf 3 x Faster #2

Continuing our video series looking at how you can learn to kitesurf 3 x faster, by answering the question, “What’s the fastest way to learn to kitesurf?”

This time looking at the all important element of getting fit before you’re kitesurfing lessons to ensure you can get the absolute most of your time under instruction.

The major problem with kitesurfing fitness is, it’s very specific, so it’s important to know what we should be doing to get fit before we begin our lessons so we can guarantee we learn in the shortest time possible. In this video we look at how to fix that problem.

If you really want to get fit before your kitesurfing lessons check out our FREE 4 week Kitesurf Specific Workout


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How To Learn To Kitesurf 3 x Faster – Part 1

One of the questions I get asked all the time by people just starting their journey into kitesurfing is, “What’s the fastest way to learn to kitesurf?” In this video I start to answer this question giving you some great tips for how to get up and riding in less time with less frustration.

Check out our UNLIMITED HOURS Kitesurfing Lessons >>

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How To Shorten Your Kitesurfing Lines

Learn to kitesurf faster, more safely and have more fun doing it by converting your bar from its normal full length lines to half or even quarter length lines.

Click the button to knock WEEKS off your time learning to kitesurf and save HUNDREDS on your lesson costs: